I have lost 50 pounds since January. That is about 1.5 pounds a week, which means that I lost the weight in a healthy way and won't just balloon back up! (Assuming, of course, I don't turn into a fat pig again.)
I can't believe it. There was a part of me that thought I would never reach this. I would never reach a healthy weight for my 5'5 (and THREE QUARTERS, I tell everyone) not-tiny frame. But it's here, and it took less than 8 months.
The other day, I tweeted about my frustration with how people respond to my weight loss. While some people are very happy for me, tell me they are proud and impressed, "way to go! you look great!" I also get a lot of, well, negative responses. I've heard many times that the only reason I lost so much weight was because of my gallbladder. "Oh, well you had gallstones. That's why you lost so much!"
Um, no. Actually I got gallstones because I lost so much weight, thankyouverymuch. And, actually, I was down to 143 when I was diagnosed with gallstones, so I had already lost over 40 pounds. And besides, I was following the exact same diet I had been for months!
I've also had a lot of interesting responses, where I can tell the person is... suspicious. Or something. I'm not entirely sure, but it seems that few people have the ability to actually be happy for me. When I see someone who has lost a lot of weight, and I know they did it in a healthy way, I am PROUD of them. I congratulate them, tell them how awesome they did and how great they look, and ask them questions about how they feel and how they did it. While I have had some of those responses, they are few and far between.
Anyway. Here I am! 135. I'm buying new jeans today because my size 10 are loose on me!
Hells yeah.
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